
Serving Texas Since 1988

Elected Officials Not Prevailing Parties in Voting Rights Case

Seven elected officials in Galveston County and a Galveston citizen were not prevailing parties in a voting right case, so not entitled to attorney fees, a three judge panel of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided on Dec. 17.

Inadmissible: New Texas Secretary of State

In politics, it never hurts if a candidate for office—appointed or elected—has a really good background story to tell the public at large. And that certainly is the case for Locke Lord senior counsel Nandita Berry whom Gov. Rick Perry appointed as Texas Secretary of State on Dec. 19.

Perils of E-Discovery Reflected in Sanctions Opinion

Lest anyone think that hair-raising e-discovery sanctions opinions are a thing of the past, a federal judge in Illinois has issued a blistering opinion imposing nearly $1 million in punitive sanctions on the defendants, and indicated that more sanctions are almost certainly on the way.

President of Houston Bar Assoc. Appeals Contempt Rulings

The president of the Houston Bar Association is appealing contempt findings after trial courts ruled that he presided over a foreclosure sale of property without authority.

Ghost of a Christmas Past Comes Back to Haunt Former Judge

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct has disciplined a former Corpus Christi district judge for ordering a father to relinquish custody of his son during the Christmas holidays three years ago because she believed she was “being played with.”

Operational procedure.

On each and every case we have 3 objectives.

Understanding The Order

  • Any & all or limited
  • Medical, billing, paid v. incurred
  • Getting the correct deposition questions or affidavit

Understanding The Custodian

  • Where to send it
  • Who to send it to
  • What to send with the request

Understanding The Client

  • Speaking with the client to understand what their expectations are
  • Finding out what sort of interaction they want from us
  • Learning a little about each case to know the timelines and key facts