
Serving Texas Since 1988

Man Convicted for Attempting to Solicit the Murder of U.S. District Judge John McBryde

A federal prisoner was convicted by a Fort Worth federal jury on Dec. 11th of attempting to solicit the murder of U.S. District Judge John McBryde. An FBI special agent alleged that Phillip Monroe Ballard was willing to pay $100,000 in cash to have McBryde killed.

Lawyer Sues ‘Fortune Teller’ for Fraud After Alleged Theft

Houston attorney Michael G. Busby Jr. paid a “fortune teller” $500 for a “ritual to reunite husband and wife.” He also alleges in a lawsuit that he gave her $2,700 in cash so she could “cleanse” it, but she has failed to return the money.

Austin Firm Nonsuits Claims Against Ex-Associate

An Austin personal-injury firm has nonsuited its claims against an ex-associate in a case that raises questions about the proper way for a lawyer to leave a firm for a new job.

Appellate Lawyer of the Week: Fifth Circuit Rules in Case of First Impression

Allen DeBard wanted to make very sure that an appeal of his clients’ state-court defense victories was dead. So, he pursued the plaintiff from state court into bankruptcy court, to U.S. district court and, ultimately, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Seasonal Hires? Don’t Forget to Vet Them

‘Tis the season to hire last minute for the holidays, which means that in the hurry to get a few more retail employees for the fourth-quarter sales rush or a few more elves for Santa’s mall workshop, it’s tempting cut corners when it comes to looking into the backgrounds of potential hires.

Operational procedure.

On each and every case we have 3 objectives.

Understanding The Order

  • Any & all or limited
  • Medical, billing, paid v. incurred
  • Getting the correct deposition questions or affidavit

Understanding The Custodian

  • Where to send it
  • Who to send it to
  • What to send with the request

Understanding The Client

  • Speaking with the client to understand what their expectations are
  • Finding out what sort of interaction they want from us
  • Learning a little about each case to know the timelines and key facts