
Serving Texas Since 1988

Judge Berates Jury for DWI Verdict, Brings Up O.J. Simpson Trial

A visiting senior district judge is getting attention after he dressed down a Tarrant County jury for acquitting a DWI criminal defendant, calling jurors’ decision “one of the most bizarre verdicts that I’ve ever seen,” according to a trial transcript.

The Lost Lawyers: How Recession-Era Grads Found Their Way

Law school career-services leaders say they have observed resiliency among their recession-era graduates. Although the Great Recession may have ruined plans for a law firm job, graduates have recovered, readjusted their expectations and discovered a new normal.

Ethical Risks Can Bedevil Appearance Counsel and Hiring Counsel

With litigators practicing law at greater distances than ever before, “appearance counsel” offer a way to keep costs down. However, using appearance counsel creates significant issues from both an ethical and malpractice perspective.

Lawyers Work Out Dispute Over Transgender Teen’s Yearbook Photo Without Litigation

Is the dispute over a South Texas transgender teen’s yearbook photo a matter of 1. justice and a national petition drive, or 2. a dress code and following grievance procedures? Lawyers for the student and for the La Feria Independent School District disagree.

How Will the Giant Task of Auditing Ex-DA Ken Anderson’s Cases Be Handled?

UT law professor Jennifer Laurin, who is helping plan the strategy for the audit of cases handled by former judge Ken Anderson when he was Williamson County district attorney, said some prosecutors have conducted focused audits after finding prosecutor error, but this one is broader than anything she knows.

Operational procedure.

On each and every case we have 3 objectives.

Understanding The Order

  • Any & all or limited
  • Medical, billing, paid v. incurred
  • Getting the correct deposition questions or affidavit

Understanding The Custodian

  • Where to send it
  • Who to send it to
  • What to send with the request

Understanding The Client

  • Speaking with the client to understand what their expectations are
  • Finding out what sort of interaction they want from us
  • Learning a little about each case to know the timelines and key facts