One of the most common research questions lawyers ask law librarians is, “Can you search for all litigation against this company in Texas?” Locating case filings in the Texas federal courts is straightforward. But searching in the Texas district and county courts is not as simple.

Why Traits That Make Good Lawyers Also Make Good Addicts
Lawyers suffer from increased rates of depression, suicide and addiction. As a matter of fact, it appears that addiction occurs in lawyers at about twice the rate as that in general American society, which already is quite prone to addiction.

Fast and Furious: Appellate Court Rules on Case in Two Days
After making an oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, most lawyers spend the ensuing months second-guessing their argument and wondering if they’ve answered the judges’ questions. Yet, Houston solo Patrick Zummo hardly had time to worry about any of those things after arguing Kipp Flores Architects v. Hallmark Design … Read More

Latest Developments in Judge Carlos Cortez’s Defamation Lawsuit Against Lawyer
Although a trial court had set a Nov. 12 deadline to lift a seal on documents that 44th District Court Judge Carlos Cortez is seeking to keep from public view, it appears those records will not be released on that date while an appeals court considers his petition for writ of mandamus.

Negligence, Breach of Fiduciary Duty Lawsuit Filed Against Thompson & Knight, Partner
A Houston-area man and his company filed a negligence and breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against Thompson & Knight and partner Wilburn O. McDonald Jr. of Houston, alleging McDonald failed to act in the best interests of a client when inviting him to invest in a Houston company.