Jury feedback can be priceless to a lawyer, allowing for better evaluation of future witnesses, budgeting for expert-witnesses spending and deciding how to spend time preparing for trial. Texas Lawyer interviewed two litigators and a longtime trial consultant about the best way to approach jurors, which questions to ask and what things to avoid when … Read More

How to Obtain Post-Verdict Jury Feedback: Dos and Don’ts for Lawyers
The trial is over, the verdict is in. After devoting so much time and energy to the process, lawyers want to know how jurors perceived their performances. But there is an art to seeking feedback from a jury after trial.

Dallas County Judges Discuss Family Law Issues
The Texas Lawyer editorial department hosted a roundtable discussion in Dallas County, “Domestic Relations: How to Make Your Case in Family Court.” Here is part two of the discussion.

VerdictSearch: Jury Awards $50,900 to Plaintiff Claiming Whiplash
On Oct. 23, a jury awarded $50,900 to a woman who claimed whiplash and radicular pain in a rear-ender.

Burnt Orange Honor: Longhorn Named After UT Law Dean
As Ward Farnsworth, dean of The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, recalls, it was a “wonderful gift” when John Massey, president of the UT Law School Foundation, invited Farnsworth to his ranch in Columbus, showed him a longhorn and said, “This is Dean Farnsworth. I’m naming him after you.